Pull up banners, Wigan
Pull up banners are one of the most widely used variety of
banner stand available on the market.
Pull up banners truly are a mobile, lightweight, flexible
stand solution that can easily be employed on its very own
or to be a focal point or backdrop for a bigger display.
Pull up banners promoting Your Business in
If you're looking to market your company, Pull up banners
are a very cost effective answer. And being simple, swift
and easy to put together and disassemble Pull up
banners are good for short term use or mobile exhibits.
Pull up banners come with their own storage case that's
lightweight to carry and space saving when not being
Advantages of Pull Up Banners
• Light weight and easy to carry
• Rapid to erect and dismantle
• Suitable for any type of business environment
• Easy to use
• Moulded protective case
• Full colour graphical panels.
Pull up banners Mechanics
Pull up banners do the job similar to a roller blind. The
image rolls into a metal base. The graphic is pulled right
out of the platform and held in place by using a post that
is found behind the device. The pull up banners post
might be in about three parts and can be on a bungee
cord or possibly in the shape of a telescopic rod. Both
rod sorts will definitely breakdown to smaller portions for
storage in the compact carrier.
The common measurements for Pull up banners are
800mm x 2000mm but they're available in lots of different
sizes. You will find budget pull up banner systems
produced for one-off occasions or short-term use. Mid-
range units which have much stronger components for
more regular use. And top of the product range - suitable
for regular use while using the flexibility of changeable
images enabling you to switch advertising and marketing
messages for different events or exhibitions.
Materials for Pull up Banners
Pull up Banners are often made of PVC or polyester. All
graphic panels really needs to be laminated to the face,
both for surface safeguards from grimy finger marks and
scuff marks and because the laminate has protection
from ultra-violet light which helps prolong the life of the
print. Gloss laminates are just the thing for deep, bright
colour yet it will reveal scuff marks and will also reflect
light strongly, usually obscuring the advertising. Smooth,
matt laminate is the worst for showing scuff marks. The
laminate also needs to not be too ‘soft’ or else the
graphics may experience edge creases after lengthy
periods of use in cheaper stands where edge ‘binding’ is
realistic on retraction.
If uncertain, contact us today for Pull up
Banners in Wigan
To discuss what is going to compliment your application
and budget, or to discuss the various models of pull-up
banner we can manufacture give us a call on 01706 632
933 or email us at info@ktlitho.co.uk